AdPlex GST
Formulated Bio-stimulant in wastewater
AdPlex Bio-Stimulant: This formula will increase the metabolism of existing wastewater life forms such as rotifers & ciliates which will then expand the consumption of grease, pharmaceuticals, petroleum and more. The amount needed depends on factors such as aeration, temperature, and holding time. A starting rate of 20 ppm (parts per million) is generally recommended. As conditions improve and the number of good bacteria continues to rise, that rate can go as low as 2 ppm. It is one of the easiest, most economical ways to reduce unwanted sludge, BOD, and grease in a wastewater operation.
- Increases the consumption of grease
- Expands propagation of existing microbial life
- Improves dissolved oxygen content
- Speeds up the breakdown of solids
- Helps remove harmful compounds
- Reduces foaming
Formulated Bio-stimulant on the farm
- Increases microbial activity and diversity
- Enhances nutrient bio-availability
- Improves crop residue decomposition
- Buffers salt and other plant toxins
- Increases water penetration
- Improves water holding capacity
- Builds soil humus
- Enhances root development
- Reduces tie-up with other ions
- Aids in soil borne pathogen reduction
- Aids in management of harmful nematodes
- Enhances natural microbial energy systems
It can also be used to reduce sludge in holding tanks and ultimately reduce the dried sludge hauling costs at wastewater plants.